Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Rejoice, for the Son of God Has Risen!
An Easter Message from Jesus The Redeemer to Ned Dougherty in Hampton Bays, New York, USA on March 31, 2024

I come to you today on this celebration of My resurrection from the dead as Jesus the Redeemer, for as your Redeemer I make all things new again, not only for you and your soul, but for all the souls created by the Father in Heaven for all time.
For I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life! No one comes to the Father, except through Me!
Therefore, on this Easter Sunday, My message to you is quite clear, especially in these End Times when you are challenged in so many ways by the evil one to question and doubt your faith in Me. Since I am here for you personally, how can you live in doubt now?
I am here with you through this resurrection day in Spirit, just as powerfully as if I were here with you in body, as I was when I was crucified on the Cross over 2,000 years ago. This day has been cast in stone and is relived each and every single day so that you can all experience the pain, loss, and sorrow of the Father’s Son being tortured and crucified on the Cross by the Father’s very own children.
Can you understand the pain and anguish of the Father in Heaven that His Son had to be born into your world to save mankind, only to be crucified by God’s own children?
Certainly, you recognize that the works of the evil one necessitated My journey among you to make all things new again and that I had to make that sacrifice for all of you to set an example for all mankind of the Love of the Father for all His children.
So here in these End Times some 2000 years later, the Crucifixion, Death, and Resurrection of the Son is repeated, over and over again, for the children of God can be stubborn and thick-headed in accepting the Truth of Salvation.
Is this not obvious to all of you when you see how the evil one has taken over your world and has seduced humanity to live lives of avarice and greed, of lustful behavior, and of murderous intent in many instances?
As the Son of the Father, I recognize how difficult it is for you to lead lives according to the plan of the Father. It is for this reason as the Son of the Father that I have intervened in the lives of God’s children, for it is My role as Your Saviour and Redeemer to lead all of you back home to the Father in Heaven.
So Be it! Thanks be to God!
In My earthly life, I created the Church of the Son upon the rock of Peter, and the Church has survived throughout these 2000 years, but the Church is now in turmoil because the shepherds of My Church have lost their way in leading the flock, all of you My brothers and sisters.
I must ask of you – the sons and daughters of the Father – that you act as Powerful Prayer Warriors to sustain My Church through these End Times. Pray for the Pope, the Cardinals, the Bishops, and all of the priests who have gone astray and have reduced the Church from its traditional values to a shadow of its former self.
It will be up to you, My brave and powerful Prayer Warriors, to sustain the tatters of My Church through these End Times in preparation for My return to humanity to make all things new again.
Do not despair for that time will be soon!
Verily, Verily, I say unto you: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life! No one comes to the Father except through Me!
Source: ➥